This patch was inspired by Hobgolin Ruby Red beer and even though it was a clone it didn’t disappont me at all. Great dark-amber-red colour with lots malt tast and a great hat. Certainly a beer that I will be brewing several times in the future. ABV: 5.4% totally enough even though I was aiming […]


Second try of brewing beer was made of the same grain that Mauntain Stout was made… 12kg grain in the machine which gave 11L of Black IPA with lots a taste and a great black colour. ABV: 5.4% which was enough for this lovely ’one-patch-second-brew’ experiment.


A very first attempt to brew beer and I chose to brew a Stout. I havr to admit that I was suprised how good it ended aup to be. Lots of taste, variety of diffent flavours of chocolate, cacao and caramel. All together it was a pleasant challenge and the ABV: 9% (original recipe 11%) […]